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Daenerys Game of Thrones season 7 White Coat

So as soon as I saw Daenerys winter coat in season 7 of Game of Thrones I just new I had to make it. Michele Clapton was the costume designer and her work is phenomenal! I have never worked with fur and this is actually the first full length jacket I have ever made. I knew I was crazy for attempting this but I’m that determined and I’m that crazy that I did. I spent a week working on this jacket and I mean almost every day from the time I got up until the middle of the night, until damn near dawn. I was exhausted, my fingers were sore and my entire place was covered in fur, by the way it is 100% fake fur. When I completed the jacket I vacuumed my place everyday for a week and there was still traces of fur. The coat is so bad ass and it was worth all the blood sweat and tears. I literally had nose bleeds from fur getting into my nose!

Regrettably during the process I didn’t take too many process photos, this first jacket was such a learning experience for me and there are so many things I would do differently. I’m hoping to make another one soon with some improvements but for now the few of you that may want to attempt this on your own I’ll offer some tips and ways to approach.

Heading to Mars in my Shiny Bubble Coat.

Remember that jacket I posted back in October of last year? I’m guessing if you’re seeing this post you can see that I’m wearing it (finally!!!) Lol. I also have good news since I had gotten so many inquiries about people wanting one of their own. I finally found more of the fabric and have enough to make a couple. I will be posting details at my online shop and instagram (@missodessa) on when they are ready to sell and how much one will run you.

Things a Sh*tty Web Designer will and wont tell you.

Having a website is extremely vital to your business, I’d say it’s the most important thing these days actually. Finding a quality designer can be pretty tough especially if you’re new and totally unfamiliar with the process of getting a website made. Domain names, hosting, turn around time and the cost to build the actual site can be super overwhelming for a beginner. You’re likely to run into plenty of freelancers who have no business sense, very poor customer service skills and sometimes their design skill level & knowledge may even be questionable. Here I will tell you some red flags to look out for when hiring a designer to work on your project.


1. You should purchase your domain name and hosting from godaddy.

Now godaddy isn’t terrible but it isn’t as good or as cheap as other places. It’s just pretty recognizable to the average person because they’re honestly the only hosting company to advertise on tv. I’m leery of any designer who recommends them because it may mean they don’t have much experience with anything outside of it. Godaddy’s 99cent (without coupon $2.99) domain names sound amazing until you realize they’re not actually 99cents ($2.99) after the first year they are $9.99 and then you have to pay an entire $7.99 extra to keep your personal information private. What do I mean by personal information? I’m talking your full name, address, email and the telephone number you used when filling out the information to purchases your domain name.

The best Holo Nail Polish by Color Club

So I work with my hands pretty much everyday and for the most part I just keep my nails painted clear to avoid walking around with tacky chipped polish. I rarely paint them anymore but when I saw the color “Miss Bliss” (pink holo) by Color Club I just had to have it. The nail polish is what’s called a “holographic” polish, basically the glitters reflect multiple colors when hit with light. It looks like a metallic pink when you’re in indoor lighting but the moment you step outside it looks like your fingers have been painted with unicorn shit and who doesn’t like unicorns? Also it makes me want to go outside just so I can stare at my own hands and these days I need more reasons to get out and get me some Vitamin D.